Dessert plate 12 cm, AUGUSTA, Diamond weave|Costa Nova
€ 5.28
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The Augusta collection is modern and versatile. Its strength is its natural appearance, which perfec...
Costa Nova
Costa Nova - Augusta
Portugalská společnost Costa Nova se vyznačuje výrobou vysoce kvalitního stolního kameninového nádobí a doplňků. Jejich produkty jsou známé především pro svůj nekonečný rozsah kombinací, barev a kvalitního zpracování, které zaručuje vysoce odolné nádobí. Nejen pro to jsou výrobky dodávány i do Michelinských restaurací.
Výroba nádobí značky Costa Nova spojuje nejnovější výrobní technologii s ruční prací. Je tak perfektní pro každou příležitost.
Costa Nova. To je starodávné řemeslo, elegantní design a vysoká kvalita.
Kolekce Augusta
je moderní a všestranná. Její předností je přirozený vzhled, který dokonale vyvažuje matně béžový povrch s odvážnými detaily a vzory. Tato kolekce nabízí atraktivní výběr neutrálních kousků nádobí s černým nebo zlatým okrajem, které lze kombinovat s jejími vzory. Vytvořte si luxusní či jednoduše čistou hostinu.
€ 5.28
In stock
The Augusta collection is modern and versatile. Its strength is its natural appearance, which perfec...
Costa Nova
€ 5.28
In stock
The Augusta collection is modern and versatile. Its strength is its natural appearance, which perfec...
Costa Nova
€ 6.41
In stock
The Augusta collection is modern and versatile. Its strength is its natural appearance, which perfec...
Costa Nova
€ 6.79
In stock
The Augusta collection is modern and versatile. Its strength is its natural appearance, which perfec...
Costa Nova
€ 7.17
In stock
The Augusta collection is modern and versatile. Its strength is its natural appearance, which perfec...
Costa Nova
€ 7.93
In stock
The Augusta collection is modern and versatile. Its strength is its natural appearance, which perfec...
Costa Nova
€ 8.31
In stock
The Augusta collection is modern and versatile. Its strength is its natural appearance, which perfec...
Costa Nova
€ 8.69
In stock
The Augusta collection is modern and versatile. Its strength is its natural appearance, which perfec...
Costa Nova
€ 9.07
In stock
The Augusta collection is modern and versatile. Its strength is its natural appearance, which perfec...
Costa Nova
€ 10.59
In stock
The Augusta collection is modern and versatile. Its strength is its natural appearance, which perfec...
Costa Nova
€ 10.97
In stock
The Augusta collection is modern and versatile. Its strength is its natural appearance, which perfec...
Costa Nova
€ 11.35
In stock
The Augusta collection is modern and versatile. Its strength is its natural appearance, which perfec...
Costa Nova
€ 11.73
In stock
The Augusta collection is modern and versatile. Its strength is its natural appearance, which perfec...
Costa Nova
€ 11.73
In stock
The Augusta collection is modern and versatile. Its strength is its natural appearance, which perfec...
Costa Nova
€ 12.11
In stock
The Augusta collection is modern and versatile. Its strength is its natural appearance, which perfec...
Costa Nova
€ 12.87
In stock
The Augusta collection is modern and versatile. Its strength is its natural appearance, which perfec...
Costa Nova
€ 13.25
In stock
The Augusta collection is modern and versatile. Its strength is its natural appearance, which perfec...
Costa Nova
€ 13.25
In stock
The Augusta collection is modern and versatile. Its strength is its natural appearance, which perfec...
Costa Nova
€ 13.63
In stock
The Augusta collection is modern and versatile. Its strength is its natural appearance, which perfec...
Costa Nova
€ 14.77
In stock
The Augusta collection is modern and versatile. Its strength is its natural appearance, which perfec...
Costa Nova
€ 14.77
In stock
The Augusta collection is modern and versatile. Its strength is its natural appearance, which perfec...
Costa Nova
€ 15.52
In stock
The Augusta collection is modern and versatile. Its strength is its natural appearance, which perfec...
Costa Nova
€ 15.52
In stock
The Augusta collection is modern and versatile. Its strength is its natural appearance, which perfec...
Costa Nova
€ 16.66
In stock
The Augusta collection is modern and versatile. Its strength is its natural appearance, which perfec...
Costa Nova
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