ED Plate Périgord, 15cm (SALE)|La Rochere
€ 4.90
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The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
Francouzská společnost s dalekou historii, sahající až do roku 1475, kdy gentlemanský sklář Simon de Thysac dostal právo založit sklárnu v "Les Rochiers".
La Rochre nabízí široké spektrum skleněných výrobků, které se vyznačují specifickým způsobem výroby, jedinečným, jednoduchým a krásným designem a vysokou kvalitou.
Společnost La Rochre navíc podléhá předpisům na ochranu životního prostředí, které pokrývají veškeré činnosti na svém výrobním místě.
Kolekce skla Périgord
je rustikální, elegantní a má svůj šarm. Périgord byla inspirována typickými francouzskými stoly z 18. století. Nalejte si červeného vína a usedněte ke stolu plného hořících svící a uděljte si tak trochu jiný, dokonalý, večer. Spojením tohoto skla ve stejné sadě obdarujete někoho blízkého naprosto perfektním dárkem.
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
€ 6.79
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
€ 6.41
€ 4.90
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
€ 5.66
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
€ 6.04
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
€ 6.04
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
€ 6.41
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
€ 6.79
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
€ 6.79
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
€ 7.17
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
€ 7.17
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
€ 7.93
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
€ 8.69
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
€ 8.69
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
€ 18.18
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
€ 30.33
In stock
The Périgord glass collection is rustic, elegant and has its own charm. Périgord was inspired by typ...
La Rochere
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