ED Dessert plate 17cm, PEARL, white|Costa Nova
€ 6.04
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The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
Costa Nova
Costa Nova - Pearl
Portugalská společnost Costa Nova se vyznačuje výrobou vysoce kvalitního stolního kameninového nádobí a doplňků. Jejich produkty jsou známé především pro svůj nekonečný rozsah kombinací, barev a kvalitního zpracování, které zaručuje vysoce odolné nádobí. Nejen pro to jsou výrobky dodávány i do Michelinských restaurací.
Výroba nádobí značky Costa Nova spojuje nejnovější výrobní technologii s ruční prací. Je tak perfektní pro každou příležitost.
Costa Nova. To je starodávné řemeslo, elegantní design a vysoká kvalita.
Kolekce Pearl
je romantická, nadčasová, jemná a dokonalá. Je jednou z nejoblíbenějších kolekcí Costa Nova. Je vhodná pro sváteční chvíle i ke každodennímu použití. Proč si neudělat snídani slavnostní? Vždyť ránem začíná den. A až na Vás bude čekat Vaše oblíbená večeře na perličkovém talíři, bude i zakončení dne naprosto perfektní. Pokud přemýšlíte nad praktickým a přesto originálním a krásném dárku pro někoho, koho máte rádi, zkuste spojit nádobí ze stejné kolekce a udělejte mu radost překrásným a kvalitním kuchyňským servisem.
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
€ 12.49
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
€ 11.35
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
€ 6.04
€ 6.04
In stock
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
Costa Nova
€ 7.55
In stock
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
Costa Nova
€ 8.31
In stock
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
Costa Nova
€ 8.31
price for piece
In stock
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
Costa Nova
€ 9.07
In stock
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
Costa Nova
€ 9.07
In stock
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
Costa Nova
€ 9.45
In stock
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
Costa Nova
€ 9.45
In stock
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
Costa Nova
€ 9.45
In stock
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
Costa Nova
€ 10.21
In stock
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
Costa Nova
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
Costa Nova
€ 10.21
In stock
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
Costa Nova
€ 10.21
In stock
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
Costa Nova
€ 10.59
In stock
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
Costa Nova
€ 10.97
price for piece
In stock
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
Costa Nova
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
Costa Nova
€ 11.35
In stock
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
Costa Nova
€ 11.35
In stock
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
Costa Nova
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
Costa Nova
€ 11.73
In stock
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
Costa Nova
€ 12.11
In stock
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
Costa Nova
€ 12.49
In stock
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
Costa Nova
€ 12.49
In stock
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
Costa Nova
€ 12.87
In stock
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
Costa Nova
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